Client/server synchronization using layers
The synchronization library supports rich, interactive apps, with graph-based data models, reducing the number of RPC calls, eliminating the need for most data transfer objects, all using a statically typed protocol - for efficient runtime, clear error messages, and many features that can be configured.
For more motivation and an overview of why to use synchronization, read the article Synchronization with layers.
Sync overview
Many of the operations with the sync library work the same on the client and the server. The client initiates a sync, that may contain a set of object instances, property updates to already-sync'd instances, and remote method calls. The server processes the client's sync, fires change events, invokes remote methods. As these operations run, they may generate changes to sync'd objects. Those changes are returned in the reply. If the server has no changes to send back, it might 'wait', if realtime with long polling is enabled.
Both the client and server perform the same basic steps to initialize synchronized objects:
- Register synchronized types and instances. At this stage, choose whether instances are synchronized as on-demand or eagerly.
- Tune the options for synchronizing properties. For relationships, use the property-level on-demand flag to avoid sending too much data to the other side too soon.
Once a client connects to the server, it receives the 'initial sync' of all eagerly synchronized instances. An on-demand sync instance is only included if it's referenced by another eagerly fetched instance.
Each sync instance is registered with a scope that determines it's lifecycle. The instance is stored in the ScopeContext for that scope so that it's visible to the right set of clients. The client might have only one scope, but the server typically has a scope dedicated for each client, as well as optional shared scopes like global, application, session, window, and request.
Register sync types and instances
To use a type with synchronization, first register the class with a list of properties and their options to be synchronized.
Using APIs
The APIs provide access to the sync library without code generation.
A type is synchronized by calling SyncManager.addSyncType(...) with either the Class, or a dynamic type object. It's provided with a list of synchronized properties and their option. For example, here's the snippet used add the sync type for the Javascript "window.location object:
SyncManager.addSyncType(Location.class, new SyncProperties(null, null, new Object[] {"href", "pathname", "search"}, null, 0, WindowScopeDefinition.scopeId));
When an instance is created, SyncManager.addSyncInst(...) is called with the instance and some additional options. The addSyncInst call adds a listener for property changes. Here's the snippet for the addSyncInst call for Location:
SyncManager.addSyncInst(wctx.window.location, false, false, "window", null);
Like other instances that use data binding, synchronized instances must be disposed with DynUtil.dispose(inst).
Using code gen
When using code-generation to register types and instances, annotate classes, objects and properties with the @Sync annotation, or put them in a layer and annotate the layer itself with @Sync.
When building both client and server at once, automatic sync mode can be set on the layer sync types and properties that are overlapping between the client and server by default.
When a type is marked with @Sync, the addSyncType/addSyncInst calls are inserted into the generated code to track type and instance creation.
Sync protocol
The protocol between client and server is designed to be readable and organized - so when you change "firstName" and "lastName" of a User object, it comes across as two property changes of the User type. Serializers are implemented in JSON and SCN (a StrataCode layer that is parsed and applied, or if the remote side does not parse SCN, it's converted to the local language (e.g. javascript).
Sync runtimes
If StrataCode builds both client and server at the same time, and @Sync(syncMode=SyncMode.Automatic) is set, layers that overlap between different processes and generates code to synchronize just the overlapping classes, objects, and properties back and forth.
StrataCode takes the single list of layers provided, determines which processes are needed and generates separate stacks for each. These stacks may overlap and these overlapping layers provide the default for what info should be synchronized. Often these are the model and view model layers.
Automatic remote methods
Compiling client and server together also permits automatic detection and handling of remote methods. A method is considered remote either because the method only exists in one process and is called from the other, or if it exists in both, because it's marked with an annotation to be called remotely for a given process.
Some processes (like the brower) do not support synchronous remote calls. In that case, use of a remote method from code is not allowed. But it's always possible to invoke remote methods from data binding expressions.
Runtime selection with annotations
Although layers are a convenient way to partition code into processes and runtimes, sometimes it's helpful to assign a given field, method or property assignment to a given runtime without splitting it into a separate layer.
To exclude the definition from a runtime, use the @Exec annotation (equivalent to the exec attribute in schtml).
To change callers to treat a method as remote even when the method is still included in the calling runtime, use the @Remote annotation.
When using code generation, use the @Sync annotation to explicitly mark a layer, type, or property as synchronized. @Sync has an optional sync mode:
The syncMode may be one of:
- Enabled: Turn on synchronization in both directions (the default if you use @Sync with no syncMode value)
- Disabled: Turn off sync in both directions.
- Automatic: Turn on sync for properties which live in both client and server runtimes. For this mode to work, you have to build the client and server applications together, as one stack of layers. The type and properties must be defined in layers which are in both runtimes.
- ClientToServer: Turn on sync from ClientToServer only.
- ServerToClient: Turn on sync for ServerToClient only.
For example, to disable synchronization:
// Turn off synchronization
public class MyClass ...
Settting @Sync on a type overrides the setting from the layer. Setting it on a property overrides the type and layer.
A property inherits the first @Sync annotation of the first type which sets @Sync mode after it's defined in a type hierarchy. This lets you change the syncMode in the type hierarchy, e.g. turn it off for a base class and all of the properties defined in that base class, then turn it on in a sub-class so any new properties added will be synchronized.
By default, setting @Sync on a type will not affect inherited properties from a base class. You can change that by setting @Sync(includeSuper=true), or by adding a property assignment or add the property to the current layer of the subclass with: 'override propertyName;'.
If no @Sync annotation is found for a property, type, or layer that property is not synchronized.
- Question: Should we implement export and import annotation attributes for @Sync? We also could add exportSuper. Currently the default is for a sub-type to inherit the @Sync of it's base type but we could make that settable with exportSuper. Currently a given layer inherits the @Sync for its base layers but that could be settable by having the base-layer set exportSync=false or the currently layer setting importSync=false.
SyncProperties and SyncPropOptions
The addSyncType call takes an instance of SyncProperties to specify the list of properties and their options. When all properties in the list have the same options, String names can be used in the property list and where defaultPropOptions sets the options for all properties in the list. If one or more properties have different options, create an instance of SyncPropOptions to wrap the option flags and property name and store the SyncPropOption in the list.
The SyncPropOptions are:
- SYNC_INIT: Send the initial value to the remote side.
- SYNCONDEMAND: Do not send the value of this property until it's requested with SyncManager.fetchProperty
- SYNC_SERVER: For on-demand properties, since fetchProperty can be called on either the client or the server, this flag indicates that this is the server process for this property.
- SYNCRECEIVEONLY: Set on the server only and used for security to authorize the setting of the specified property without listening for changes or sending the initial value to the client.
- SYNC_CONSTANT: Do not listen for changes on this property, but do send the initial value.
See more in the javadoc for SyncPropOptions.
SyncManager and SyncDestination
The SyncManager stores the set of SyncContexts, one for each scope. Each SyncContext stores the set of currently synchronized instances along with some metadata as well as two SyncLayer's. One SyncLayer represents the 'initial sync', the other the pending changes (those that have not been applied to the remote side).
Each SyncManager has a SyncDestination that manages the connection to the other side. The SyncDestination has configurable properties such as 'realTime=true/false' to turn on off real time, waitTime and pollTime used for implementing real time connections using HTTP.
When a process is talking to more than process with different interfaces, it will have two SyncManagers and two SyncDestinations.
Scopes: managing object lifecycle
Scopes are a feature of the StrataCode code generation system that manage an object's lifecycle - i.e. how it is created, how references are resolved, and when it is stopped and disposed. Frameworks built using scopes ensure that there is a CurrentScopeContext set in ThreadLocal storage before application code is called. The CurrentScopeContext defines the list of scopeContexts which apply to the current thread's execution.
This gives application code a single name space that can manage instances that are created and deleted at different times (e.g. per-request, per-user, per-session, etc). A framework may define its own scopes using additional context parameters (e.g. per-merchant, per-store, per entry in a list). The ScopeContext manages the object's lifecycle using code generation, so code is consistently run in a context that makes sense with minimal need to explicitly create and destroy components. Application layers generally extend framework layers that define their desired policies.
Scopes make StrataCode's synchronization system flexible and powerful. When changes are made to shared scopes, changes propagate to all clients for real-time collaboration.
The default scope is called "global" and is equivalent to using static variables in Java - one per process. A web server typically runs more than one application so it supports appGlobal to offer a way to store data that's separate for each. It also supports a session scope that manages objects which are per client browser and appSession which are per-app per session, window which are per-browser window and request scope which disposes of instances after each request for stateless applications.
You can use scopes for even more dynamic lifecycles such as per-list item. In that case, the code generation system permits adding context variables for the list index and current list item.
Scopes on inner objects
When scope is set on an inner object, it allows that scope a chance to generate the getX method defined as part of the parent class. If it's a static inner class, it works just like a scope on a top-level class.
When it's a scope defined on an inner instance class, can use the parent instance as part of it's creation but may not store the new field as part of the parent type. Instead it might use the parent's id along with other info from the current thread's context to retrieve the item.
Scopes can force the use of static inner objects so the system generates static getX methods. That lets you nest objects with scopes inside each other without fear of dependencies or data leakage - e.g. if you embed a per-user instance as a child of a global instance, as long as the global instance is only accessed in the context of a user's session, this works properly without data being stored in the global instance itself that belongs to the user.
Scope APIs
At runtime, framework code or generated code can use the scope apis to manage object instances in each scope. Metadata about the available scopes and their relationships using ScopeDefinition. A ScopeDefinition can have parent and child scopes.
For a given ScopeDefinition, the APIs provide access to its current ScopeContext. The ScopeContext manages the id to instance mapping for objects in that scope. Each ScopeContext has a list of the parent and child ScopeContexts. ScopeContext provides a method to get or set instances by id, or to iterate through all instances in the scope.
Objects and classes can be assigned a scope via the @Scope annotation or the scope<scopeName> operator. Some scopes will add additional fields to the current context used by code generation to register or find instances in that scope. Just as with other objects, the framework manages the create and dispose calls for you. Framework developers can set a scope on a base-type and have it be inherited by all instances. By then changing the framework layer, the same app can run in a different mode unchanged.
The goal is for frameworks to manage object lifecycle not application code. That keeps application code simple and free of dependencies on the specific framework for reuse in new contexts.
The SyncContext stores all of the synchronized state for another process, or a scope shared by more than one process. When it is shadowing another process, it keeps a cache of its view of the other side's view of the state. When it is shadowing a scope, it keeps a cache of the state up to the last change event it's propagated.
On the client, session, window, and global scopes are collapsed into one SyncContext because each browser is only managing one window and one user's session. On the server however, each scope will have its own SyncContext.
The SyncContext organizes changes in SyncLayers. These record changes for a given batch for each sync group. When an instance is synchronized, it is added to the SyncContext. The SyncContext adds property change listeners on all synchronized properties and registers the initial state. Any property values which implement IChangeable have a different listener added to them that listens for change events on the current property value as well. In this case, changes are queued even when the properties setX call has not been made. Instead, maybe an element of a list was changed.
When property changes come in for a given instance, they are applied to the SyncContext according to the current syncState. This is a thread-local status flag usually managed by the framework code. It can have one of five values:
- Initializing: the app is creating a set of objects in their default "initial state". This state lets the sync framework determine when a property value may already be set on the remote side. If the client and server use the same value for initializing a given property, the server does not have to send the initial value to the client.
- RecordingChanges: this is the normal runtime state of the application. Any changes made in this state are recorded by the SyncContext into the current SyncLayer.
- ApplyingChanges: this state is set by the SyncDestination while it applies changes from the remote side. In this state, changes update the "previous value" - i.e. the current known values on the remote side.
- Disabled: this state is set when the application code is making changes known to be already synchronized. For example, when a list control is creating a declarative list of children from some synchronized value, it can turn off synchronization to prevent these changes from being sent to the server when they are redundant.
- InitializingLocal: used when initializing from a 'session reset' request - where the client is restoring state lost when the server's session was lost.
Framework code uses SyncManager.setSyncState to control this thread-local variable.
The StrataCode data binding system supports the IChangeable interface for objects to issue events generated programmatically. Use IChangeable both when defining an object like sc.util.ArrayList which updates by value or an object which updates all of its properties at once. When StrataCode detects an IChangeable on object "a" in an "a.b" reference chain, another listener is added to update that expression when object a calls Bind.sendChangedEvent(a, null). If the value of "b" is IChangeable the binding will also update when it's value is fired.
Property types that are synchronized should be cloneable using Java's normal clone method. An initial copy is made and stored so the sync system can revert changes and also reconize the deltas in what has changed to send diffs in a more concise format.
Each SyncManager manages the sync state for a given destination. The client only has one SyncManager, the server will have one for all clients, and one for each server to server connection.
The SyncManager stores the list of sync types. Each sync type has a list of sync properties.
The SyncManager also manages adding of synchronized instances. As instances are added to the sync manager, it is either given or finds the right scope for that instance, and places the instance under control of the proper SyncContext.
Synchronization format
The SyncLayer serializes itself using a SerializationFormat which enables serialization of the sync layer, and the "applySyncLayer" process which deserializes the sync layer and applies it in a SyncContext.
Currently two SerializationFormats are supported: json and StrataCode's scn.
In both formats, the client sends down a layer of changes, the server responds with its own layer of changes.
The sync format itself looks a lot like a serialized layer. It includes a package declaration, modify definitions to change properties of an existing instance, and property assignments. This format includes a way to define a new object with or without constructor arguments and assign it to an id. It supports remote method calls and their responses.
Frameworks can customize the handling of a particular instance type by registering a SyncHandler for an instance. The SyncHandler can substitute a different instance or override how the value is turned into a string in the language format. The SyncHandler can generate code to add or remove an element from a list or use the built-in features provided in the SerializationFormat.
Both formats support readable changes over the wire. Use the -vs option to the scc command to see the back and forth exchange.
Updating code using the sync layer
The sync format can include code changes as well. If running in development mode, each page refresh will check for changed code. If the server detects that the client's code has changed, it will include the updated code in the response. This provides management UIs the ability to customize the app on-the-fly while it's running. It will look for changed methods, new fields, new methods, etc. If the server is using the dynamic runtime, instances will be updated and the client will receive both code and data changes to bring the application back into sync with the code and the server.
Sync groups
By default all properties on all types are updated via the same sync operation. In rare cases, an application might need to update some properties without updating others. In these cases, use:
class HighPriorityType {
At the API level, call SyncManager.sendSync("highPriority") explicitly to sync just the properties in that group.
Traceable security
StrataCode only allows client code to manipulate objects and properties which were declared to be synchronized in the code. This is typically code that's in client-server shared layers so it's pretty straightforward for developers to keep it partitioned from the server-only code. All client/server communication is traceable and auditable. Eliminating security concerns from application code makes that application more secure and brings more awareness to operations and security teams of the complete API the server exposes.
Initial layer
The SyncContext maintains an initial layer on the server representing the initial state of the objects created on the client. Any changes made are stored both by default in the initial layer and in the pending changes layer to be sent to the other side on the next sync. Each sync only contains new changes, but when the client refreshes the page, the initial sync contains all changes made so far in that session.
This lets the synchronization mechanism retain the application state that supports the user experience - even transient user inteface state that is not typically stored in the database. That state is refreshed as part of the initial state of the application automatically.
TODO: Need a flag to allow a property or class to "opt out" of being stored in the initial layer. There might be state that should not be restored on a refresh.
A client/server environment performs better when sticky sessions are used. The client and server have a stateful dialog that eliminates redundant data sent in both directions. For global, session, window, etc. scopes it's important to support this operation mode.
When sticky sessions are not possible or desirable, use request scope only to store all state. The sync mechanism still works but sends all sync'd data over on each request/response. That's essentially what programmers do anyway to build stateless applications.
When stick sessions are used, it's important to handle the case where the server fails, is restarted, or perhaps expires the client's session before the next request.
In this case, the sync command won't find the sync session for the client. It returns the 'reset' error code which causes the client to sync its state back to the server, restoring the session and any key state required to implement this next request. At that point, the client resumes where it left out with only a small latency hit for the extra request and data transfer.
Debugging synchronization
If synchronization is not working, first run with -vsa to turn on all synchronized logging (or -vs for a summary). This adds additional messages to the browser's console log and the server's debug log. The dialog between the client or server is designed to be readable whether you are using 'json' or 'scn'.
Look for calls to addSyncType and addSyncInst in your generated class. It's helpful run a search through the entire generated source to double check these calls include the right properties and flags. This is particularly useful for layers using @Sync(syncMode = sc.obj.SyncMode.Automatic). Adjust the generated calls using the @Sync annotation.
Enable -vl or -v to see the initial layers that are in each runtime. This helps determine which layers are overlapping and displays which layers are marked with 'automatic' sync mode.
The code which records a synchronized change will typically run from SyncManager.SyncChangeListener. Set a breakpoint in the valueInvalidated method and understand why a change is or is not being recorded.
It's helpful to set breakpoints in setX and getX methods. Walk up and down the stack, even into data binding calls because bindings turn into helpful 'toStrings' in the debugger.
The SyncPropOptions may not be set correctly. SYNC_INIT flag should be set for any properties where the initial value of the property should be sent along with the initial response. If an object is being synchronized when it should not be, perhaps add @Sync(onDemand=true) to its definition. With on demand, it will only be sent across the wire when explicitly fetched from an API call or referenced from a property. Set on demand on properties and use SyncManager.fetchProperty later in code.