StrataCode on Android
Android supports only the compiled StrataCode features currently. Eventually the StrataCode language runtime could easily run on android, allowing dynamic UI generation. The open source nature of the tools should allow us to tie into the existing android tool system so you can make dynamic updates to your android applications, particularly in the simulator where a bit more code and runtime overhead is less of an issue.
First go through the Getting Started for Java Programmers for download, install and to get the basics for StrataCode. You'll see that the android and swing versions are fairly similar. StrataCode smooths over the differences and prevents you from needing to learn about various XML files and other android tools.
Android Installation
Either set the ANDROID_SDK environment variable to point to your android SDK directory or just run an application which uses the android framework to use the auto-installer.
We have not found a way to make android's command-line install tools behave so the first time you run it, StrataCode will launch the SDK install/update tool. You follow the command line prompt on what to select to complete the installation.
StrataCode will create a sample device and start that device automatically.
Android Project Configuration
Typically with android, you run a tool to create a new project. It copies a bunch of files into a directory which you then must maintain. With StrataCode, there's no copying involved. Those files are stored in template form in the android framework layers which you extend. They'll be copied or are customized and generated into your build dir. In the event that you need to customize one of these files, you can just add your own file and it overrides the framework version.
If you prefer to use the android project creation tools, you can use them and treat that directory as your layer directory. In that case, you override all of the defaults.
Your android project needs a layer. For the unitConverter, this layer is:
package sc.example.unitConverter; public example.unitConverter.androidui extends extendedModel, android.core { }
Extend the extendedModel to get base unit converter functionality. Extend the android.core layer to get the set of classes which wrap android classes for data binding: CTextView, CEditText etc. That will also include android.meta - an annotation layer - so you can use classes like Activity, LinearLayout (or any ViewGroup subclass) as container types to group their children. Android's framework so closely matches StrataCode's patterns that sometimes an annotation layer is all that's needed to directly use the Android classes with all of StrataCode's features.
In Android, your main classes are defined with an Activity instance. That object has a single content view that gets displayed when that activity is active. Android has nice LinearLayout controls to organize columns and rows so you don't need data binding to define layout. Otherwise, the sample looks quite similar to the swingui layer.
// Since model's UnitConverter does not extend anything, we can just redefine this // type to avoid one level of object containment UnitConverter extends Activity { // Converts the value strings to/from numbers. numberToString to defines // a reverse method so it can be used in 2-way bindings. object numberConverter extends NumberConverter { } object mainView extends LinearLayout { orientation = VERTICAL; // currentConverter will always point to the selected item in the combo box Converter currentConverter := converters.get(converterChoice.selectedItemPosition); // Combo box to choose the current conversion algorithm object converterChoice extends CSpinner { adapter = new ArrayAdapter<converter>(UnitConverter.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, converters); } object unit1 extends LinearLayout { object unit1Label extends CTextView { singleLine = true; textString := currentConverter.unit1; // Display's converter's "unit 1" layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 0); { setPadding(5,0,5,0); } } object unit1Field extends CEditText { singleLine = true; textString :=: numberConverter.numberToString(currentConverter.value1); layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 0); inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_SIGNED; } } object unit2 extends LinearLayout { object unit2Label extends CTextView { singleLine = true; textString := currentConverter.unit2; layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 0); { setPadding(5,0,5,0); } } object unit2Field extends CEditText { singleLine = true; textString :=: numberConverter.numberToString(currentConverter.value2); layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 0); inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_SIGNED; } } object errorLabel extends CTextView { // The number converter provides an error when an invalid number is supplied textString := numberConverter.error; textColor := Color.RED; } } }
With Android, you also include the AndroidManifest.xml file to declare your activities. This file currently gets passed through though eventually with sc, it could be generated via a mix of xml snippets and annotations. There are no sc specific variants to this file, but you can see it at: layers/example/unitConverter/androidui/AndroidManifest.xml.
Compiling with Android
To compile your application, from the layers directory run:
scc example/unitConverter/androidui
This generates and android project in the directory:
scc example/unitConverter/androidui/build
Change to that directory and type:
ant install
- or -
ant debug install
(or any other android ant command).
The androidLayer directory defines the default set of files required in an android project. These are merged with any of the previous layer's project files where the later file takes precedence. The result is copied into the build directory, which is then a standard android project directory. So if you want to override any of those files, simply define them in your layer in the appropriate path name. Your files will then be copied into the build directory instead.
Like other StrataCode layers, you can freely mix project files and source files in the same layer directory. One subtle point is that project files do not use the layer's package prefix when doing the merging. The name used for merging is the path of the file within the layer directory ignoring any layer package prefix. Source files: .java, .sc, .schtml, etc. do use the package prefix when doing the merging.