Base language parselets:
/* * Copyright (c) 2021. Jeffrey Vroom. All Rights Reserved. */ package sc.lang; import; import sc.layer.Layer; import sc.parser.*; import sc.util.FileUtil; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; /** * The BaseLanguage contains some core constructs useful in all languages digits, whitespace, and some higher * level parselets like Keyword, SemanticToken, etc. * It's possible to modify parselets, or override language features by overriding methods (e.g. to modify what * characters are valid in an identifier). This is helpful to reuse higher level features that use those parselets. * Like changing EOLComment for SQL to -- or the array bracket character between JS and Java. * It's also possible to clone and change a parselet rather than copying the original definition. */ public abstract class BaseLanguage extends Language implements IParserConstants { public static Set DEPS_KEYWORDS = Collections.emptySet(); public boolean ignoreCaseInKeywords = false; public Set getKeywords() { return DEPS_KEYWORDS; } public SymbolChoice digits = new SymbolChoice(REPEAT | NOERROR); public SymbolChoice optDigits = new SymbolChoice(REPEAT | OPTIONAL | NOERROR); public SymbolChoice nonZeroDigit = new SymbolChoice(NOERROR); public SymbolChoice hexDigits = new SymbolChoice(REPEAT | NOERROR); public SymbolChoice hexDigit = new SymbolChoice(NOERROR); public SymbolChoice binaryDigits = new SymbolChoice(REPEAT | NOERROR); public SymbolChoice binaryDigit = new SymbolChoice(NOERROR); public SymbolChoice octalDigits = new SymbolChoice(REPEAT | NOERROR); public SymbolChoice octalDigit = new SymbolChoice(); public Sequence optOctalDigit = new Sequence(OPTIONAL | NOERROR, octalDigit); public SymbolChoice fpChar = new SymbolChoice(LOOKAHEAD | NOERROR); // start chars for floating point public SymbolChoice intChar = new SymbolChoice(LOOKAHEAD | NOERROR); // start chars for integer public String [] hexLetters = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"}; protected void addDigitChar(String s, int i) { digits.addExpectedValue(s); optDigits.addExpectedValue(s); hexDigits.addExpectedValue(s); hexDigit.addExpectedValue(s); fpChar.addExpectedValue(s); intChar.addExpectedValue(s); if (i < 8) { octalDigits.addExpectedValue(s); octalDigit.addExpectedValue(s); } if (i != 0) nonZeroDigit.addExpectedValue(s); if (i < 2) { binaryDigits.addExpectedValue(s); binaryDigit.addExpectedValue(s); } } { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { String s = String.valueOf(i); addDigitChar(s, i); } for (String hexLetter : hexLetters) { hexDigits.addExpectedValue(hexLetter); String u = hexLetter.toUpperCase(); hexDigits.addExpectedValue(u); hexDigit.addExpectedValue(hexLetter); hexDigit.addExpectedValue(u); } fpChar.addExpectedValue("."); } public SymbolChoice lineTerminator = new SymbolChoice(NOERROR, "\r\n", "\r", "\n"); { lineTerminator.defaultGenerateValue = "\n"; // The symbol to use when generating this node from scratch - i.e. the default terminator } public SymbolChoice notLineTerminators = new SymbolChoice(NOT | REPEAT | OPTIONAL | NOERROR, "\r\n", "\r", "\n", Symbol.EOF); IndexedChoice whiteSpaceChunk = new IndexedChoice("<whitespaceChunk>", NOERROR | OPTIONAL); { whiteSpaceChunk.put(" ", new Symbol(REPEAT, " ")); whiteSpaceChunk.put("\t", new Symbol("\t")); whiteSpaceChunk.put("\f", new Symbol("\f")); whiteSpaceChunk.put("\r", lineTerminator); whiteSpaceChunk.put("\n", lineTerminator); } public IndexedChoice whiteSpace = whiteSpaceChunk.clone(); { whiteSpace.setName("<whiteSpace>"); whiteSpace.repeat = true; } public Sequence EOLComment = new Sequence("<eolComment>", NOERROR, new Symbol("//"), notLineTerminators, new OrderedChoice(lineTerminator, new Symbol(Symbol.EOF))); { EOLComment.styleName = "comment"; } public IndexedChoice commentBody = new IndexedChoice("<commentBody>", OPTIONAL | REPEAT | NOERROR); { commentBody.put("*", new Sequence(NOERROR,new Symbol(NOERROR,"*"), new Symbol(NOERROR | NOT | LOOKAHEAD, "/"))); commentBody.addDefault(new Sequence(NOERROR,new Symbol(NOERROR | NOT, "*"), new Symbol(NOERROR | LOOKAHEAD, Symbol.ANYCHAR))); } public Sequence blockComment = new Sequence("<blockComment>", NOERROR); { blockComment.add(new Symbol("/*"), commentBody, new Symbol("*/")); } { blockComment.styleName = "comment"; } public IndexedChoice spacing = new IndexedChoice("<spacing>", REPEAT | OPTIONAL | NOERROR); { spacing.put(" ", whiteSpaceChunk); spacing.put("\t", whiteSpaceChunk); spacing.put("\f", whiteSpaceChunk); spacing.put("\r", whiteSpaceChunk); spacing.put("\n", whiteSpaceChunk); spacing.put("//", EOLComment); spacing.put("/*", blockComment); spacing.generateParseNode = new SpacingParseNode(spacing, false); spacing.alwaysReparse = true; } public IndexedChoice spacingEOL = (IndexedChoice) spacing.clone(); { spacingEOL.setName("<spacingEOL>"); spacingEOL.generateParseNode = new SpacingParseNode(spacingEOL, true); } public SymbolChoiceSpace periodSpace = new SymbolChoiceSpace("."); { // We want to match '.' but not '...' in the partial values case so excluding '..' periodSpace.addExcludedValues(".."); } public Symbol period = new Symbol("."); public SymbolSpace semicolonEOL = new SymbolSpace(";", SKIP_ON_ERROR); public SymbolSpace semicolonEOL2 = new SymbolSpace(";", SKIP_ON_ERROR); { semicolonEOL.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(semicolonEOL, ";"); semicolonEOL2.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(semicolonEOL2, ";\n"); } // A semicolon followed by 2 newlines for package, imports public SymbolSpace semicolonNewline = new SymbolSpace(";", SKIP_ON_ERROR); { semicolonNewline.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(semicolonNewline, ";") { public String getNewlineSeparator() { return FileUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR + FileUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR; } }; } public SymbolSpace semicolon = new SymbolSpace(";"); public SymbolSpace colon = new SymbolSpace(":"); public SymbolSpace colonEOL = new SymbolSpace(":"); { colonEOL.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(colonEOL, ":"); } public Sequence optSemicolon = new Sequence(OPTIONAL, new Symbol(";"), spacing); public SymbolSpace comma = new SymbolSpace(","); public SymbolSpace commaEOL = new SymbolSpace(","); { commaEOL.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(commaEOL, ","); } public SymbolSpace openBrace = new SymbolSpace("{"); public SymbolSpace openBraceEOL = new SymbolSpace("{"); { openBraceEOL.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(openBraceEOL, "{"); openBraceEOL.pushIndent = true; } public SymbolSpace closeBrace = new SymbolSpace("}"); public SymbolSpace closeBraceEOL = new SymbolSpace("}", SKIP_ON_ERROR); { closeBraceEOL.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(closeBraceEOL, "}"); closeBraceEOL.popIndent = true; } public SymbolSpace openParen = new SymbolSpace("("); public SymbolSpace closeParenSkipOnError = new SymbolSpace(")", SKIP_ON_ERROR); // TODO: should all closeParen's have skip on error? Right now for cast expressions, we'll terminate those with the ; there's a chance the "skip on error" will lead to ambiguities when the body of the construct we are skipping has not enough info to differentiate it public SymbolSpace closeParen = new SymbolSpace(")"); // Use this one for annotations public SymbolSpace openParenEOL = new SymbolSpace("("); public SymbolSpace closeParenEOL = new SymbolSpace(")", SKIP_ON_ERROR); { openParenEOL.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(openParenEOL, "("); closeParenEOL.generateParseNode = new NewlineParseNode(closeParenEOL, ")"); } // and this one for if statements where we need to indent public SymbolSpace closeParenEOLIndent = new SymbolSpace(")", SKIP_ON_ERROR); { NewlineParseNode pn = new NewlineParseNode(closeParenEOLIndent, ")"); pn.needsIndent = true; closeParenEOLIndent.generateParseNode = pn; } public SymbolSpace openSqBracket = new SymbolSpace("["); public SymbolSpace closeSqBracket = new SymbolSpace("]"); public SymbolSpace lessThan = new SymbolSpace("<"); public SymbolSpace greaterThan = new SymbolSpace(">"); public SymbolSpace greaterThanSkipOnError = new SymbolSpace(">", SKIP_ON_ERROR); public SymbolSpace equalSign = new SymbolSpace("="); public SymbolSpace asterix = new SymbolSpace("*"); public SymbolSpace questionMark = new SymbolSpace("?"); public Symbol startIdentifierChar = new Symbol("<startIdChar>", 0, Symbol.ANYCHAR) { protected String accept(SemanticContext ctx, Object value, int startIx, int endIx) { IString str = PString.toIString(value); if (str == null) return "Identifiers must be non null"; if (str.length() == 1 && isIdentifierStartChar(str.charAt(0))) return null; return "Not a valid start identifier character"; } }; public class IdentSymbol extends Symbol { public IdentSymbol(String id, int options, String ev) { super(id, options, ev); } protected String accept(SemanticContext ctx, Object value, int startIx, int endIx) { IString str = PString.toIString(value); if (str == null) return "Identifiers must be non null"; if (!repeat) { if (str.length() == 1 && isIdentifierPartChar(str.charAt(0))) return null; } else { int len = str.length(); int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!isIdentifierPartChar(str.charAt(i))) break; } if (i == len) { return null; } } return "Not a valid character for the inside of an identifier"; } } // Hooks so that new languages can change the rules for identifier and reuse more parselets public boolean isIdentifierPartChar(char c) { return Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c); } public boolean isIdentifierStartChar(char c) { return Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c); } public Symbol identifierChar = new IdentSymbol("<idChar>", 0, Symbol.ANYCHAR); public Symbol nextIdentChars = new IdentSymbol("<nextIdChars>", OPTIONAL | REPEAT, Symbol.ANYCHAR); public Symbol alphaNumChar = new Symbol("<alphaNumChar>", 0, Symbol.ANYCHAR) { protected String accept(SemanticContext ctx, Object value, int startIx, int endIx) { IString str = PString.toIString(value); if (str == null) return "AlphaNum char must not non null"; if (str.length() == 1) { char c = str.charAt(0); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) return null; } return "Not alpha numeric"; } }; public Sequence identifier = new Sequence("<identifier>('','',)", startIdentifierChar, nextIdentChars, spacing) { /** Assumes we have validated the start and other chars already */ protected String accept(SemanticContext ctx, Object value, int startIx, int endIx) { if (value instanceof IParseNode) value = ((IParseNode) value).getSemanticValue(); // This is a sentinel type you can use to push even 'this' through as non-keyword. Used to avoid needing to convert // to a selector expression during code-generation if (value instanceof NonKeywordString) return null; if (value != null && !(value instanceof StringToken)) value = PString.toIString(value); if (getLanguage() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("*** No language defined for parselet: " + this); if (ignoreCaseInKeywords && value != null) { value = new ToLowerWrapper((IString) value); } if (!((BaseLanguage) getLanguage()).getKeywords().contains(value)) return null; return "Identifiers cannot be keywords"; } }; { identifier.cacheResults = true; } /** * Used for skipOnError parselet and for TestLogFilter to match {alphaNumChar}_{id} - where normal identifier * would consume the _id part */ public Sequence alphaNumString = new Sequence("<alphaNumString>('','',)", alphaNumChar, new Sequence("('')", REPEAT | OPTIONAL, alphaNumChar), spacing); /** Used for log filter patterns - to match either quote character */ public SymbolChoice quoteChar = new SymbolChoice("\"", "'"); /** * Use this to create a parselet for your repeating parselets skipOnError parselet. It's used to consume the next error token while trying to skip out * of the body of something which is incomplete. It consumes text which is safe to skip when we encounter an error parsing * the main parselet. It must not match text which would ordinarily complete the parent. */ public Parselet createSkipOnErrorParselet(String name, String... exitSymbols) { return new OrderedChoice(name + "(.,.)", alphaNumString, new Sequence(new SymbolChoice(NOT, exitSymbols), spacing)); } public Sequence identifierSp = (Sequence) identifier.copy(); { identifierSp.setName("('','',)"); } public Sequence optIdentifier = new Sequence("(.)", OPTIONAL, identifier); public Sequence qualifiedIdentifier = new Sequence("('','')", identifier, new Sequence("('','')", OPTIONAL | REPEAT, new SymbolSpace("."), identifier)); public Sequence optQualifiedIdentifier = new Sequence("('')", OPTIONAL, qualifiedIdentifier); OrderedChoice escapeSequence = new OrderedChoice("<escape>", new SymbolChoice("\\b","\\t","\\n","\\f","\\r","\\\"","\\\\","\\'"), new Sequence("('','','','','')", new Symbol("\\u"), hexDigit, hexDigit, hexDigit, hexDigit), new Sequence("('','','','')", new Symbol("\\"), octalDigit, optOctalDigit, optOctalDigit)); public SymbolChoice escapedStringBody = new SymbolChoice(NOT, "\\", "\"", "\n", EOF); public Parselet escapedString = new OrderedChoice("('','')", OPTIONAL | REPEAT, escapeSequence, escapedStringBody); public Parselet escapedSingleQuoteString = new OrderedChoice("('','')", OPTIONAL | REPEAT, escapeSequence, new SymbolChoice(NOT, "\\", "'", "\n", EOF)); { escapedString.styleName = escapedSingleQuoteString.styleName = "string"; escapedSingleQuoteString.setLanguage(this); } /** * The keyword ensures that it is not followed by an identifier character - i.e. "returnSpace" would * be rejected if "return" is a keyword rather than a symbol. Just add a not/lookahead rule to * negate that case. */ public class KeywordSpace extends Sequence { public KeywordSpace(String name, int options, String symbol) { super(name, options | NOERROR); int symbolOpts = (options & IGNORE_CASE) | NOERROR; add(new Symbol(symbolOpts, symbol), new Sequence(NOT | LOOKAHEAD | NOERROR, identifierChar), spacing); styleName = "keyword"; } public KeywordSpace(String symbol, int options) { this("<" + ((options & OPTIONAL) != 0 ? "opt_" : "") + ((options & IGNORE_CASE) != 0 ? "ic_" : "") + "keyword_" + symbol + ">" + "('',,)", options, symbol); } public KeywordSpace(String symbol) { this(symbol, 0); } } public class KeywordNewline extends KeywordSpace { public KeywordNewline(String symbol) { super(symbol); set(2, spacingEOL); } } public class KeywordChoice extends Sequence { public KeywordChoice() { this(0); } public KeywordChoice(String name, int options, boolean doSpacing, String... expectedValues) { super(name, options | NOERROR); int symbolOpts = (options & IGNORE_CASE) | NOERROR; add(new SymbolChoice(symbolOpts, expectedValues), new Sequence(NOT | LOOKAHEAD | NOERROR, identifierChar)); if (doSpacing) add(spacing); styleName = "keyword"; } public KeywordChoice(int options, String... expectedValues) { super("('',)", options | NOERROR); int symbolOpts = (options & IGNORE_CASE) | NOERROR; add(new SymbolChoice(symbolOpts, expectedValues), new Sequence(NOT | LOOKAHEAD | NOERROR, identifierChar)); styleName = "keyword"; } public KeywordChoice(boolean doSpacing, String... expectedValues) { this(doSpacing ? "('',,)" : "('',)", 0, doSpacing, expectedValues); } public KeywordChoice(String... expectedValues) { this(0,expectedValues); } /** Adds a new choice after this is constructed. */ public void add(String newValue) { ((SymbolChoice) parselets.get(0)).add(newValue); } } public class SymbolSpace extends Sequence { Symbol symbolParselet; /** * Creates a symbol space token with a deliminator for output purposes. This * deliminator is appended to the symbol on output. * * @param symbol The symbol to match * @param options Any options * @param delim The deliminator */ public SymbolSpace(String symbol, String delim, int options) { // We used to include NOERROR here but need errors for ; and in general these seem to be important parselets super("('',):(.," + delim + ")", options); int symbolOpts = options & IGNORE_CASE; symbolParselet = new Symbol(NOERROR | symbolOpts, symbol); add(symbolParselet, spacing); } public SymbolSpace(String symbol, int options) { super("('',)", options); int symbolOpts = options & IGNORE_CASE; symbolParselet = new Symbol(NOERROR | symbolOpts, symbol); add(symbolParselet, spacing); } public SymbolSpace(String symbol, String delim) { this(symbol, delim, NOERROR); } public SymbolSpace(String symbol) { this(symbol, NOERROR); } public String toString() { return "Symbol: '" + ((Symbol) parselets.get(0)).expectedValue + "'"; } public void addExcludedValues(String... excludedValues) { symbolParselet.addExcludedValues(excludedValues); } public void setSymbolStyleName(String styleName) { symbolParselet.styleName = styleName; } } /** Like SymbolSpace but styled as a keyword */ public class KeywordSymbolSpace extends SymbolSpace { public KeywordSymbolSpace(String symbol) { super(symbol); symbolParselet.styleName = "keyword"; } } public class KeywordSymbol extends Symbol { public KeywordSymbol(String ev) { super(ev); styleName = "keyword"; } } private final static GenerateError MISSING_SEMANTIC_VALUE = new GenerateError("Null value for semantic parselet"); /** * The SemanticToken is parsed like SymbolSpace (a symbol followed by spacing). When the model is generated * back into a language representation, the symbol is used only when its corresponding value is not null, or * if a boolean if the value is true. */ public class SemanticToken extends SymbolSpace { SemanticToken(String symbol, int options) { super(symbol, options); } SemanticToken(String symbol) { this(symbol, 0); } public Object generate(GenerateContext ctx, Object value) { if (value == null) return ctx.error(this, MISSING_SEMANTIC_VALUE, value, 0); return super.generate(ctx, value); } } /** * A SemanticSequence is parsed like a regular sequence. During generation however, if the semantic value * is null, this rule is not matched at all and no output is presented. */ public class SemanticSequence extends Sequence { SemanticSequence(String symbol, Parselet ...values) { this(symbol, 0, values); } SemanticSequence(String symbol, int options, Parselet ...values) { super(symbol, options, values); } public Object generate(GenerateContext ctx, Object value) { if (value == null) return ctx.error(this, MISSING_SEMANTIC_VALUE, value, 0); return super.generate(ctx, value); } } public class SymbolChoiceSpace extends Sequence { SymbolChoice choice; public SymbolChoiceSpace(String...values) { this("('',)",0,values); } public SymbolChoiceSpace(int options, String...values) { this("('',)", options, values); } public SymbolChoiceSpace(String name, int options, String...values) { super(name, options | NOERROR); int symOptions = options & IGNORE_CASE; choice = new SymbolChoice(NOERROR | symOptions, values); add(choice, spacing); } public SymbolChoiceSpace(String symbol) { this(0, symbol); } public void add(String...choices) { choice.add(choices); } public void set(String...choices) { choice.set(choices); } public void addExcludedValues(String... excluded) { choice.addExcludedValues(excluded); } } public class SemanticTokenChoice extends SymbolChoiceSpace { SemanticTokenChoice(String...values) { super(values); } public Object generate(GenerateContext ctx, Object value) { if (value == null) return MISSING_SEMANTIC_VALUE; return super.generate(ctx, value); } } public BaseLanguage() { this(null); } public BaseLanguage(Layer layer) { super(layer); } }